Compassion towards ourselves is critical when experiencing uncertainty.
When having a sense of feeling under attack, fear can bring forth parts in us that are not kind and very defensive.
When fearful thoughts keep rushing in waves, it is essential to ensure you remain connected with being gentle and kind towards yourself.
Mental health is your main priority to ride the wave of these uncertain times.
You may start being aware of the deep conditioning pressure of doing that is being removed. With nothing "to do," boredom starts to set in, and that can feel very uncomfortable; therefore, the mind creates a significant amount of anxiety to have you go back to the programming of the previous conditions.
Being playful and honest assists with the ease through that anxiety into stillness.
To remain healthy requires being mindful and honest about your experience.
If you are willing to be open, you will see the gift in these times.
Uncertainty is always around us; it takes a constant remembering the anchor of calm in the storm is inside of you.