Transcend to Transform


There is electrifying energy in fear, which is either used in reaction or response, having too much of it drains the energy center.
Fear is a healthy function that the nervous system guides us with; what is unhealthy are the fearful thoughts you keep injecting into this system.
These thoughts are due to beliefs and definitions you have created around identity. Self-awareness allows you to engage with fear by witnessing what is activating it.

Transcending the fear is having the ability to go through it by using its energy to propel you into honesty, curiosity and learning where transformation emerges.
The visual I use for fear is a horse; you either let it drag you behind it on the ground, getting bruised and banged, not having a clear view.
Or you learn to ride it with a clear view, although you feel the shocks from riding the horse, you discover the rhythm to ride with it and enjoy the rush.
Either way, you are still moving forward; one is more enjoyable than the other.
Life has a continual flow of change and uncertainty, and know that you have a natural ability to adapt continuously.

All this COVID information overload has the nervous system going BONKERS because its function is not to die, by feeding it, continuous information you're weakening your immune system, which you need for this virus.
Be mindful of how you are engaging with fear; there is a difference between being informed and having information overload.