On May 25, 1946, Einstein words were published for the world to read:
“A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels.”
Here we are in the disruption to allow this new way of thinking to emerge.
Be aware that in the ethers of all our minds, there is a thought system that has us harming ourselves and others, and that is one of survival.
It will require going through the waves of sensation the mind activates to return in a calm space of harmony, aligning with a healthy state where new solutions will emerge.
Your immune system is interconnected with your nervous system, which is interconnected with the mind and any beliefs that spark fear impact the whole system.
Healing is transcending any beliefs that would lure you into being separated from a healthy state.
When you rediscover self-love, transformation occurs.
Use the opportunity to sit and pay attention to yourself to become self-aware and align in a healthy state.