I hope that you will take these times to peek into your insanity to discover liberation.
We all have some insanity; you need it to navigate this crazy world, yet there is sanity you can rest within.
It is so liberating to call out the insanity.
A majority of the stress or anxiety your sensing is a belief that you have control and more so that you need it.
There is so much freedom from letting go of that neurosis of ruminating thoughts of feeling unsafe or that you do not belong.
Have you peeked at your inner dialogue, are you kind towards yourself?
When doing introspection, there is a discomfort with a sense of panic, which is the turbulent wave of the ego trying to keep you safe from seeing the calm still place it has identified as dangerous.
Take moments to enjoy and be open to what this moment is teaching you, reflect on how you can utilize the skills to create fulfillment in serving others. Life is for all of us.
Becoming aware of the value of health as a whole creates a self-responsibility of being invested in sustaining it.