Breathe and Feel


Presently every opinion, theory, debate or argument is out there for the choosing to fuel the fear more.
Who and what to trust? One will say one thing, yet their actions go against it while another will implement rules, yet they do not apply for them.
Recognize when you are in fear/anxiety and intake information, it can become an overload for the brain. It will fixate more on finding fault then seeing the whole picture. It will find the things that will enforce the "my story" to find safety.
Be aware when you are spinning out so you can meet it with breathing and feeling to release the energy tension of overloaded thoughts.

These are highly sensitive times that require self-awareness of what is needed to remain calm and have the clarity to make decisions that are right at that moment. Show up as your best, which is different from moment to moment and remember you will be making mistakes; that is what learning is. Therefore, be honest, kind, and accountable to reconnect with loving-kindness.
Breath and Feel.